Vivid Kingdoms Playing Cards Ten Hun Deck
Printed by United States Playing Card Company (Makers of Bicycle Decks)
- 52 Illustrated Cards
10 of Spades reveal on the Jack of Spades Card for magic
Number Cards can be arranged in a grid to reveal a connected image
Special 10 Cards... because... I'm Ten Hundred
- 2 Illustrated Ad Cards
Double Backer Card
Duplicate Jack of Spades showing card back instead of 10 Card reveal, because magic is cool
- 2 Custom Jokers
The Jokers will remain a secret until the decks ship
Because this project has been so well documented on YouTube and every aspect has been shown in detail, I want there to be one surprise when you open your deck for the first time!
- Thin Crushed Stock
For long lasting cards with an amazing feel
- Unique Card order to reveal connected Number Cards